[BioPython] Biopython 1.00a2 released

Jeffrey Chang jchang@SMI.Stanford.EDU
Thu, 5 Jul 2001 18:33:01 -0700

Hello everybody,

Biopython 1.00a2 has been released.  Please download from: 
http://www.biopython.org/Download/ .  Note that this is still an 
alpha release.  While we believe it is bug-free, it is still in heavy 
development and the API's may change in the future.

The change log:

July 5, 2001: Biopython1.00a2
   deprecated old regression testing frameworks
   deprecated Sequence.py
   Swiss-Prot parser bug fixes
   GenBank parser bug fixes
   Can now output GenBank format
   can now download many sequences at a time from GenBank
   kMeans clustering algorithm
   Kabat format now supported
   FSSP format now supported
   more functionality for alignment code
   SubsMat bug fixes and updates
   fixed memory leak in listfns bug fixes
   Martel bundled and part of the install procedure
   Medline.Parser bug fixes
   PubMed.download_many handles broken IDs better

As always, please send in comments, complaints, bug fixes, new 
features.  Enjoy!
