[Bioperl-l] FW: [Open-bio-l] Google Summer of Code 2017

Fields, Christopher J cjfields at illinois.edu
Fri Jan 20 18:35:39 UTC 2017

We have had several BioPerl project proposals over the years, including work on adding new functionality, speeding up BioPerl, and porting essential code to Perl 6.  Feel free to post ideas and potential project to the Github repo below and we can comment.  

Keep in mind these will need potential mentors, therefore discussion on this list is a good idea.


On 1/20/17, 8:04 AM, "Open-Bio-l on behalf of Kai Blin" <open-bio-l-bounces+cjfields=illinois.edu at mailman.open-bio.org on behalf of kblin at biosustain.dtu.dk> wrote:

    Dear Open Bioinformatics Foundation community,
    It's 2017, and Google is again organizing the Google Summer of Code.
    The Open Bioinformatics Foundation will be applying again, and we again 
    are looking for member projects to post project proposals under the OBF 
    umbrella. Just as last year, we not only accept projects from our "core 
    projects", but will consider proposals from "related" bioinformatics 
    projects as well. To illustrate, last year the OBF GSoC students worked 
    on projects for the ETE toolkit, the Common Workflow Language, the 
    GeneNetwork genome browser, Bionode, openSNP and antiSMASH.
    OBF's GSoC website can be found at http://obf.github.io/GSoC/
    If you are interested in mentoring a GSoC student working on your 
    project this summer, add your project proposals as pull requests to 
    Please note that a project proposal needs to have two mentors from your 
    member project willing to support the student.
    Poject proposals should look like this:
    ### Title, a short, clear summary of the project
    #### Rationale
    A bit of background about the project proposal. Why is this relevant for 
    your project, what preexisting work does it build on?
    #### Approach
    A short sketch on how you think it would be possible to implement the 
    project in three month's worth of time.
    #### Languages and skills
    a bullet list of
    * languages
    * skills
    * anything else
    needed to complete the project
    #### Code
    Relevant links to your project's source code repositories
    #### Difficulty
    Try to judge the difficulty here. The scale we have used is "easy", 
    "medium", "hard".
    #### Mentors
    Names and contact information for at least two mentors willing to mentor 
    a student working on this proposal.
    Also, as we need to make sure to apply in time, please make sure to send 
    in your pull requests before Thursday, February 2nd. I apologize for the 
    short notice, but as usual, real life deadlines happen.
    Let me know if you have any further questions about this.
    Kai Blin                                     kblin at biosustain.dtu.dk
    PostDoc / Scientific Software Engineer
    DTU Biosustain                          http://www.biosustain.dtu.dk/
    Lyngby Campus, Building 220, room 327F
    DK - 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
    mobile: +45 93511306                               twitter: @kaiblin
    Open-Bio-l mailing list
    Open-Bio-l at mailman.open-bio.org

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