[Bioperl-l] ReplacedBy value in esummary

Warren Gallin wgallin at ualberta.ca
Tue May 28 17:49:02 UTC 2013


	I just encountered a glitch when I was trying to update some entries in a database by finding updated GENBANK protein entries.

	The original record was gi 118091304 which has been replaced by gi 363734282

	I retrieved an ESummary of the record for gi 118091304 as a Bio::Tools::EUtilities::Summary::DocSum object (called $ds).

	When I then tried to retrieve the gi number for the replacement by using: 

my $replaced = $ds->get_contents_by_name('ReplacedBy');

 the returned value was 1, and when I dumped the ESummary record the relevant pair is ReplacedBy          :XP_421022.3.

The full Esummary dump is:

UID                 :118091304
Caption             :XP_421022
Title               :PREDICTED: similar to Potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member
		    :1 [Gallus gallus]
Extra               :gi|118091304|ref|XP_421022.2|[118091304]
Gi                  :118091304
CreateDate          :2004/07/28
UpdateDate          :2006/11/16
Flags               :512
TaxId               :9031
Length              :643
Status              :replaced
ReplacedBy          :XP_421022.3
Comment             : This record was replaced or removed. 

	So two questions:

	1) Is the ReplacedBy value always supposed to be the new accession number version rather than the new gi number?
	2) Why would I be getting a returned value of 1 instead of the accession number that is in the summary record?

Any advice appreciated.

Warren Gallin

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