[Bioperl-l] organizing a gene family in memory

Carnë Draug carandraug+dev at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 03:48:49 UTC 2013

On 25 March 2013 12:54, Fields, Christopher J <cjfields at illinois.edu> wrote:
> IIRC part of the intent of the cluster modules (Bio::Cluster) was to cover some of this, for instance:
> https://metacpan.org/module/Bio::Cluster::FamilyI

This module mentions Bio::Cluster::Family but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

> My feeling is they were trying to be too inclusive (I think some dbSNP functionality was included here as well, which IMHO may be a bad fit).  Anyway, these haven't changed for many years; you're welcome to take a look at them and see if they fit your needs.

I think I was overcomplicating, this class might do what I want
thought in a different way. My idea of a family of genes doesn't
really match it, but I should be able to work with it by mixing it
with Set::Object.

Thank you,

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