[Bioperl-l] Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL

Wenliang Wang wangwl at mail.whu.edu.cn
Mon Feb 28 14:57:19 UTC 2011


         I’m trying to use TribeMCL to cluster a group of protein sequence
with the following code:


use Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL;

use Bio::SearchIO;


my $usage = "run_tribe.pl blastfile";

my $blastfile = $ARGV[0];


my $sio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format=>'blast',



my @params=('inputtype'=>'searchio',I=>'2.0',




my $fact = Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL->new(@params);


my $fam = $fact->run($sio);


for (my $i = 0; $i <scalar(@{$fam}); $i++){

        print "Cluster $i \t ".scalar(@{$fam->[$i]})." members\n";

        foreach my $member (@{$fam->[$i]}){

                print "\t$member\n";




But it came out with some wrong message:


------------- EXCEPTION: Bio::Root::Exception -------------

MSG: Need inputs for running tribe mcl, nothing provided

STACK: Error::throw

STACK: Bio::Root::Root::throw

STACK: Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL::_setup_input /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.

STACK: Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL::run

STACK: test.pl:16



I’m wondering if you can help me with this.


Sorry for the long email.



Best regards!


Wenliang Wang

College of Life Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan,Hubei,China.

email:wangwl at mail.whu.edu.cn

MSN:lvxiaopohai at hotmail.com


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