[Bioperl-l] new to this group

Dave Messina David.Messina at sbc.su.se
Wed May 26 19:03:21 UTC 2010

Hi Kanna,

Welcome! We're always happy to have more people jump in the deep end of the pool and help out.

>From my reading of the project priority page, the OBO file parsing stuff has been done:
> (This appears to be basically solved with the new OBOEngine, Sohel will need to comment if it is indeed finished). --jason stajich 20:10, 19 June 2006 (EDT)

( see http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Project_priority_list#Ontology_file_parsing )

Can anyone (Hilmar?) who knows where we're at with this verify that our OBO parser is in good shape?

I did notice this open bug, Kanna: 

	bp_load_ontology ISBN title parsing error in OBO format

Is that something you might be interested in?

> I visited the project priority list and the page seems to have been modified around 6 months ago.

Agreed, it's probably time for someone to go through and update it. I'll post to the list separately about this.

>  If it is already completed could anyone suggest modules I can contribute to?

But even though the project priority list is outdated, the open bugs list is not:

I would recommend you look for something relatively small to start with and submit a patch for that. And then as you go along we'll get a better idea of how to direct you as you get a better idea of what needs to be done.


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