[Bioperl-l] Bio-FeatureIO

Jay Hannah jay at jays.net
Sun May 16 18:47:42 UTC 2010

On May 16, 2010, at 1:18 PM, Chris Fields wrote:
> I'm just planning on having something to the effect of 'Bio-FeatureIO is a set of modules developed by author X that once was part of bioperl-live, but was removed at point XYZ to significantly refactor the code,' then point back to bioperl-live if anyone is interested in software archaeology.  Not sure we would need to go beyond that.

Gotcha. That certainly solves the problem.   :)

So maybe in 2020 we'll be pushing 30 independent github repos to PAUSE all citing the bioperl-live repo for historical digging prior to their emancipation.

To jhannah in the year 2020: You are NOT too old for dirt bikes. Keep riding!  :)

Jay Hannah

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