[Bioperl-l] move ancient branches to attic

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at drycafe.net
Fri May 14 01:04:02 UTC 2010

On May 13, 2010, at 7:05 PM, Robert Buels wrote:

> The gain is to avoid having useless things hanging around.  Every  
> time somebody has to read through a list of 50 branches to find the  
> maybe 5 that are useful, it's time lost.
> In other word, it's the same gain that you get from cleaning off  
> your desk, so that you can see where you put things.

Hold on - that's not a good comparison is it? First off, this being  
git, the "main" repo is not your desk. You can have your desk and wipe  
it clean of all branches and tags that have ever existed, without  
affecting, or imposing this on, anyone else.

Second, why would you *want* to look through all those branches? This  
being git, you create branches all the time and merge them back, on  
your own repo, right? Where in this workflow are you browsing through  
the 50 branches of the "main" repo all the time?

Third, and maybe I'm just too old, but moving to git because branching  
and having your own clone exactly the way you want it is so easy, only  
to subsequently delete most of the branches on the "main" repo for  
primarily aesthetic reasons just doesn't make much sense to me,  

: Hilmar Lapp -:- Durham, NC -:- hlapp at drycafe dot net :

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