[Bioperl-l] Citing CPAN modules in scientific publications

Christopher Bottoms maizemu at gmail.com
Wed May 12 17:12:28 UTC 2010

Dear BioPerlers,

I am working on a publication which would be impossible without the use of
several CPAN modules. I appreciate the work authors and maintainers have put
into these modules and would like to acknowledge them by citing their work.

I was thinking of a format such as
Author(s), Maintainer(s) *Module::Name* [

A reference for File::Slurp would appear thus:

Uri Guttman, Dave Rolsky *File::Slurp* [

I guess that I could instead mention authors in an acknowledgment section. I
noticed a large acknowledgment section in the BioPerl paper (

Thanks for your time,
Christopher Bottoms (molecules)

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