[Bioperl-l] postgres 8.3 - load_seqdatabase.pl / swissprot

Erik er at xs4all.nl
Sat Mar 22 23:36:13 UTC 2008

Hi Hilmar,

> either need to choose a new namespace, or, better, use the
> --lookup and --noupdate flags.

scripts/biosql/load_seqdatabase.pl is now churning along
to load uniprot_sprot.dat.  I'll try to gather up the
rejected records for further inspection / parser

The next thing is performance, it's really intolerably
slow, and I don't think the database is the bottleneck -
isn't it more likely bioperl object heaviness?  I get
continuous near 100% load for 1 cpu (this machine has 2

I could give it 10 or more processors; I am thinking I
could cut up the input into 10 (or more) chunks.

Is there anything specific in bioperl/biosql that knows
how to use multiple cores?

thank you very much for your help

Erik Rijkers

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