[Bioperl-l] Fetch sequences from a fasta file using a list of idenifiers

Nadav Y. Denekamp nadav.denekamp at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 13:29:18 UTC 2007


I am trying to retrieve a list of sequences from an indexed flast FASTA file. I tried to use the script bp_fetch.pl but I could only retrieve one sequence for one identifier. I am looking for a way to provide a list of accession numbers to a script and to retrieve the sequences. I don't have much experience with perl so I appologize if this question is very basic
thanks - Nadav

Nadav Y. Denekamp, Ph.D.,
Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research,
National Institute for Oceanography 
Tel-Shikmona, Haifa, 31080.
Tel: 972-4-8565259
Fax: 972-4-8511911
mobile: 972-50-2167318
Skype: nadavden
Email: nadavd at ocean.org.il; nadav.denekamp at gmail.com;

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