[Bioperl-l] Error while indexing whole genbank
gcarbajosa at cnio.es
Tue Nov 14 10:39:41 UTC 2006
I am trying to index the whole of genbank nucleotide (release number
156, October 15 2006), with the script (which uses Bio::Index::GenBank)
that is attached at the end of this message the process crashes with
this error message:
sdbm store returned -1, errno 9, key "BF460808" at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Bio/Index/Abstract.pm line 714,
<GenBank> line 164732819.
why could this be?
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Perl pragma to restrict unsafe constructs
use strict;
# Issue warnings about suspicious programming.
use warnings;
# Use the code module that contains BioPerl Services.
use Bio::Index::GenBank; # Use to index GenBank file
use Bio::SeqIO;
# be prepare for command-line options/arguments
use Getopt::Std;
sub help {
Description: Make index from GenBank database
createGenBankIndex.pl -d {index file} -g {GenBank database}
-d path and file name of index database
-g GenBank database path
# Determines the options with values from program
use vars qw/$opt_d $opt_g/;
# these are switches taking an argument (a value)
my $switches = 'dg';
# Get the switches
# If the user does not write nothing, skip to help
unless (defined($opt_d) || defined($opt_g)){
print help;
exit 0;
# DESCRIPTION: The next program creates an BioPerl index aside GenBank
# INPUT (BY CONSOLE): - (-d) Path where the Uniprot index is going to
# - (-g) Path where GenBank database is located
# OUTPUT: - O => The program has finished sucessfully
# - 1 => Some of database files has not founded
# - 2 => There was an error while the process was running
# AUTHOR: José Manuel RodrÃguez Carrasco -jmrc at cnb.uam.es- (INB-CNB)
# Check if the path of GenBank database is able to read
unless (-f $opt_g && -r $opt_g) {
# The GenBank database has not been found
print "Error of createGenBankIndex program: The GenBank database has
not been found\n";
# Return an error
exit 1;
# Store the database paths
my @DBList = ($opt_g);
# Create new instance to index file. It is used the option
my $indexSW = Bio::Index::GenBank->new ('-filename' => $opt_d,
'-write_flag' => 1);
# Make the index
my $numFiles = $indexSW->make_index(@DBList);
# Check how many databases have been indexed
if ($numFiles == 1) {
# There has been not exist error.
print "\nThe creation of GenBank index has been executed
exit 0;
} else {
# There has been exist an process error
print "\nThere was a problem while the creation of GenBank index was
exit 2;
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