[Bioperl-l] thanks for the hardwork on HOWTO changeover

Jason Stajich jason.stajich at duke.edu
Wed Aug 17 12:21:03 EDT 2005

I just want to publicly thank Brian Osborne for all the work to get  
the docbook and bioperl HOWTOs working more smoothly.

Brian has spent a lot of time recently figuring out to get the XML ->  
HTML and XML->PDF really working correctly.  The point of writing  
things in docbook instead of latex, POD, plain text, or HTML is  
docbook is (intended) to provide fairly easy transformation of the  
document text into a number of different formats (RTF, plain text,  
HTML, PDF).  ( Once you get the tools working of course).

The website should now have up-to-date versions of the documentation  
here: http://bioperl.org/HOWTOs and reflect the latest version of  
these documents that are in CVS.

In the future the website HOWTOs will be kept up to date more closely  
with the versions in the CVS repository instead of the last official  

          Brian has taken care of a lot of behind the scenes things  
in terms of project documentation and deserves a lot of credit for  
moving us forward in trying to make the toolkit more accessible to  
different levels of programmers.  So I'm sending out a big thank you!

Please give these HOWTOs a try, print them out, frame them on your  
walls, etc.  If you spot inconsistencies or weaknesses please try and  
help out by suggesting changes or adding text.

We'd of course encourage other people to help write HOWTOs about  
particular aspects of Bioperl or uses of Bioperl.  You don't need to  
be an ubercoder to write one.  If the XML format scares you, ask  
questions and have a look at the existing documents in doc/howto/xml.

Jason Stajich
jason.stajich at duke.edu

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