[Bioperl-l] Very basic Perl/BioPerl Help
Terry Jones
tcj25 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Apr 14 11:49:29 EDT 2005
| What I am trying to do is take either A) Two fasta files with
| refseq/genbank data OR B) Two text files with 1 accession# per line
| and compare them, outputting only those fasta seqs or accession #'s
| that are not present in both.
| So is it easier to just use perl somehow to compare the two raw acc#
| text files?
If your files do not contain repeat lines, you can do this from the
raw acc# text files in various ways. If you're using some form of
UNIX, you can do this on the command line:
$ cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -c | egrep '^ *1 ' | cut -f2 | sort
Note that there's a TAB in the egrep expression (between the 1 and the ').
Another way is to use comm
$ sort file1 > file1.sorted
$ sort file2 > file2.sorted
$ comm -3 file1.sorted file2.sorted
You can guarantee that your input files do not have duplicates via
$ sort -u -i file1 > file1.sorted
This is all outside perl. In perl you could do something like
open(F1, "file1") || die "could not open file1 ($!)";
open(F2, "file2") || die "could not open file2 ($!)";
my %names;
while (<F1>){
while (<F2>){
close(F1) || die "could not close file1 ($!)";
close(F2) || die "could not close file2 ($!)";
my @not_in_both = grep { $names{$_} == 1 } keys %names;
Again, this relies on names only being present once in each file. You
could code around this requirement in your perl if you wanted, by
doing more checking of the input.
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