[Bioperl-l] RandomSeqIO

Jean-Marc Frigerio Frigerio at pierroton.inra.fr
Tue Oct 19 07:18:18 EDT 2004


 I wrote and use the following module, which inherits from Bio::SeqIO and adds 
2 methods : get_by_id, and first_seq.

The idea is to index the sequence file 'in memory' to gain random access to 
the sequences.

I wonder if  it could be of any use for other bioperl users.

			--- Jean-Marc

# BioPerl module for RandomSeqIO
# Cared for by Jean-Marc Frigerio <Frigerio at pierroton.inra.fr>
# Copyright Jean-Marc Frigerio
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# _history
# October 18, 2004  
# POD documentation - main docs before the code

=head1 NAME

RandomSeqIO inherits from Bio::SeqIO


	use RandomSeqIO;
	my $file = shift;
	my $fh = IO::File->new($file) or die "open failed: $!\n";

	my $seqio  = RandomSeqIO->new('	-format' => 'fasta', -fh => $fh);


	RandomSeqIO adds the get_by_id and first_seq methods to Bio::SeqIO


package RandomSeqIO;

use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Bio::SeqIO;

@ISA = qw(Bio::SeqIO);


=head1 next_seq

	Title		: next_seq
	Usage		: $seqio->RandomSeqIO::next_seq;
	Args		: none
	Returns		: A Bio::Seq

sub next_seq
	my $self = shift;
	my $pos = $self->RandomSeqIO::_position;
	my $next = $self->next_seq;
	if ($next)
		return $next;


=head1 first_seq

	Title		: first_seq
	Usage		: $seqio->RandomSeqIO::first_seq;
	Functions	: "Rewind" the filehandle to the beginning of the file
	Args		: none
	Returns		: A Bio::Seq

sub first_seq
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->RandomSeqIO::next_seq;

=head1 get_by_id

	Title		: get_by_id
	Usage		: $seqio->RandomSeqIO::get_by_id('077F05');
	Args		: EST id
	Returns		: A Bio::Seq

sub get_by_id
	my $self = shift;
	my $id = shift;
	if (defined $self->{LIST}{$id} )
		return $self->next_seq;
		while (my $seq = $self->RandomSeqIO::next_seq)
			return $seq if $seq->id eq $id;

=head1 _position

	Title		: _position
	Usage		: $self->RandomSeqIO::_position();
	Function	: Set/get the position in the file
	Example		: $self->RandomSeqIO::_position($id);
	Args		: id (optional)
	Returns		: the current position in the file


sub _position
	my $self = shift;
	my $fh = $self->_fh;
	if (@_)
		my $id = shift;
	return tell $fh;

=head1 _push

	Title		: _push
	Usage		: $self->RandomSeqIO::_push;
	Function	: Stores id and position in the  hash $self->{LIST}
	Example		: $self->RandomSeqIO::_push($next->id,$pos);
	Args		: none
	Returns		: none


sub _push
	my $self = shift;
	my ($id,$pos) =  @_;
	$self->{LIST}{$id} = $pos;

=head1 _pop_all

	Title		: _pop_all
	Usage		: $self->RandomSeqIO::_pop_all;
	Function	: print the content of $self->{LIST}
	Example		: $self->RandomSeqIO::__pop_all;
	Args		: none
	Returns		: none
sub _pop_all
	my $self = shift;
	for (keys %{$self->{LIST}})
		print "$_ : $self->{LIST}{$_}\n";

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