[Bioperl-l] Another Phylip question

Jonathan Manning bmb9jrm at bmb.leeds.ac.uk
Fri Jun 4 06:04:12 EDT 2004

Hi to all,

Yep, another problem with the Phylip suite, which I was hoping either
Jason or anyone else 'in-the-know' could help me with. 

The pertinent section of code is as follows:

		my ($tree) = $neighbor->run($matrix);
		my $drawfact = new 		Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::DrawTree();
  		my $treeimagefile = $drawfact->run($tree);
		print "Tree file: ", $treeimagefile, "\n";
		system ("cp $treeimagefile ./testtree");

As far as I can tell from the output the tree is being created
successfully by neighbour. For a time I was wondering why my tree files
were not present in the /tmp folder, but thinking maybe they were being
cleaned up at the end of the script, I added that last line. The copy
works, but I end up with what seems like an empty postscript file when
opened in my postscript viewer, and something like the following when
viewed in a text editor:

%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%Creator: Phylip
%%Title:  phylip.ps
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
%%Page: 1 1

 1 setlinecap 
 1 setlinejoin  
     nan setlinewidth newpath 
stroke      nan     nan moveto
     nan     nan lineto
stroke      nan     nan moveto
     nan     nan lineto
stroke      nan     nan moveto
     nan     nan lineto
stroke      nan     nan moveto
     nan     nan lineto
stroke      nan     nan moveto
     nan     nan lineto
stroke      nan     nan moveto
     nan     nan lineto
stroke      nan     nan moveto
     nan     nan lineto

Any ideas? 

Thanks in advance,



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