[Bioperl-l] Alternate hit sorting for Bio::Search::Result objects

Donald G. Jackson donald.jackson at bms.com
Tue Dec 23 13:54:26 EST 2003


I'm working on a blast wrapper using Bio::SearchIO.  I'd like to be able 
to sort through the hits by something besides score/input order.  For 
example, we've crammed the taxid into the FASTA header and would like to 
do something like NCBI's taxblast where hits are sorted by source 
organism, then by score.  I'd like to use the 
Bio::SearchIO::HTMLResultWriter to output my hits, so can't just get all 
the hits and sort them myself.

I thought I'd seen mention of how to do this, but looking over the docs 
and (1.2.3) code I can't find it.  Does anyone have thoughts on how to 
do this?


Don Jackson
BMS Bioinformatics

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