[Bioperl-l] Bio::DB::GFF dna method not working for wormbase115.

Philip MacMenamin pm66 at nyu.edu
Wed Dec 10 13:24:09 EST 2003

I have just loaded wormbase fatsa files to a GFF SQL database using Lincolns 
load_gff script, and everything was fine. 

However when I try to get the dna back out, using the same script that worked 
(works) for wormbase110 does not work now, ie:

use Bio::DB::GFF;
doConection stuff blah blah blah;
my $segment1 = $db->segment('I',0, 2000);
my $dna = $segment1->dna;
print $dna if $debug;

I can step through the perl debugger and find out how the story is differant 
between version 110 and 115, but at first look the databases seem similar.

I looked through the mail archives to see if others have had this problem, 
but drew a blank, so I want to make sure that this is known.

All the best, 
Philip MacMenamin
Center for Comparative Functional Genomics
NYU Department of Biology
1009 Silver Building
100 Washington Square East
New York, NY 10003-6688

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