[Bioperl-l] exception parsing plain old blast html

nkuipers nkuipers at uvic.ca
Wed Apr 9 11:41:42 EDT 2003


OS: Red Hat 8
Kernel: 2.4-18
Perl: 5.8.0
BioPerl: 1.2

------------- EXCEPTION  -------------
MSG: no data for midline <PRE>
STACK Bio::SearchIO::blast::next_result 
STACK main::parse test_2.pl:164
STACK main::blast test_2.pl:115
STACK main::main test_2.pl:60
STACK toplevel test_2.pl:40


line 163-164:
my $sio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-file => $tmpblast, -format => 'blast');
while (my $result = $sio->next_result())

I read the documentation for the nex_result method and it does state that:

"Certain driver modules may encounter entries in the stream that
           are either misformatted or that use syntax not yet understood
           by the driver. If such an incident is recoverable, e.g., by
           dismissing a feature of a feature table or some other non-mandatory
           part of an entry, the driver will issue a warning. In the case
           of a non-recoverable situation an exception will be thrown."

Does anyone have any insights or comments about this?



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