[Bioperl-l] Extracting gi no from refseq record

Siddhartha Basu basu at pharm.sunysb.edu
Fri Apr 4 16:35:45 EST 2003


That worked like a charm, thanks a lot hilamar.
Now i am facing another new problem. I wonder whether bioperl is able to 
deal with the swissprot entries having multiple id lines and of course 
multiple taxon ids. Because the Bio::Index::Swissprot module is stopping 
on those ids having mulitple lines. Any idea how to deal with these ids.
And why the entries have such multiple lines.


Hilmar Lapp wrote:
> The problem is not in SeqIO. The offending statement is in the method  
> fetch() in Bio::Index::AbstractSeq, which is the method that does the  
> actual retrieval work. The chunk of input is handed off to  
> SeqIO::genbank, which I'm sure does the right job, only to be  
> overwritten after it returns the parsed sequence object to fetch():
>     # we essentially assumme that the primary_id for the database
>     # is the display_id
>     $seq->primary_id($seq->display_id()) if( defined $seq && ref($seq)  &&
>                          $seq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI') );
> Can anyone explain the usefulness of this statement? Otherwise we just  
> delete it and the bug is fixed. (Siddharta, as an immediate fix you  
> might just want to do this.)
>     -hilmar

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