[Bioperl-l] Phenotype interface and OMIMentry
Chris Zmasek
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 22:29:10 -0700
Thanks to all who gave useful input regarding my question about an OMIM parser.
I intend to implement it as follows.
1. The parser will be stream based. I.e. it has a "next" method which returns "OMIMentry" objects.
2. The class "OMIMentry" will be a member of the Bio::Organism::Phenotype namespace.
3. Bio::Organism::Phenotype::OMIMentry will implement a yet to be defined Bio::Organism::Phenotype interface ("PhenotypeI ").
Unfortunatly, I am not clear what a Phenotype interface should contain (or, to be more precise -- what the community's preferences are for such an interface).
My suggestion is as follows:
* a phenotype interface has to be very generic:
* it should force its implemetors to provide access to at least the following fields:
- a name
- a code/symbol
- a description
- a "location": maybe a reference to a genotype, a gene, and/or a mutation
- a Species
- a list of references
- a comment
What are your suggestions/comments regarding such an Phenotype interface?
OMIMentry would add a lot more specific fields to PhenotypeI: such as MIM number, clinical symptoms, creator, editors, ...
Thank you,
Christian [czmasek@gnf.org]