[Bioperl-l] biosql,das,gmod,gfd integration

Elia Stupka elia@fugu-sg.org
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:21:33 +0800 (SGT)

> This sounds right.  There are going to be some modifications necessary
> in GMOD to allow the configuration file to specify which
> DasI-compliant object to initiate, but it is a straightforward task.  

We'll keep you in the loop as soon as we try to make it all work. The
slightly trickier part will be to seemlessly fetch features from GFD, but
it should all be fine. The conf file you sent seems like the way we'd do
it, not sure whether we would want to specify the feature fetching in the
conf file or where else....


* http://www.fugu-sg.org/~elia *
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