[Bioperl-l] changing matrix parameter on blastp
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 06:38:08 -0400
I'm fairly new to BioPerl so I hope this isn't a dumb question.
I'm trying to alter blastp to be like the "blast 2 short nearly identical peptides' option. I can change the expect value fine but am having problems changing the matrix/gapopen/gapextend parameters, and to swithc off repeat masking.
I'm trying to change the matrix parameter from the default
BLOSUM62 to PAM30 for both standalone and remoteblast searches.
Using -M PAM30 has always worked from the command line,
but using
my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast->new ( -prog => 'blastp',
-data => 'nr',
-matrix => 'PAM30')
and then accessing the matrix from the report
print "matrix is ", $result->get_parameter('matrix'), "\n";
shows the matrix to be unchanged. I've tried various permutations
of -matrix, matrix, -m, m etc with no success.
with standaloneblast, any attempt to change the matrix results in
"blastallcrashed" with errors reported in StandAloneBlast.pm at 600, 456 and 567. Otherwise it works fine if I don't attempt to alter the matrix values.
Firstly, am I declaring the parmeter wrongly? I've been unable to find
a list of settable parameters in documentation outside of the tutorial
I would greatly apprciate any help/pointers in the right direction.
Thank you.
Dr Richard Adams
Molecular Medicine Centre
University of Edinburgh UK
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