[Bioperl-l] exonerate and crossmatch: Where are you?!
Simon Chan
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:57:24 -0800
Hey Everybody,
Awhile back, I was comparing two sequences using Ewan's pSW.pm. I sent an email to the list because of these weird messages I was getting. Ewan responded with:
"This is deep errors from my Wise2 package.
I guess that you are using very very large bits of DNA that are almost
identical and that therefore Wise2 is having integer overflow problems
I would suggest switching to exonerate or crossmatch as your alignment
engine -- it will also go faster!"
source: http://bioperl.org/pipermail/bioperl-l/2002-January/007031.html
My question: Has anyone used the above mentioned alignment engines before? I've searched around, but had no luck. Can someone point this lost bioperl soul in the right direction? :)
thanks, all.