[Bioperl-l] Newbie question: fasta output to string

Marc Logghe MarcL@DEVGEN.com
Mon, 28 May 2001 13:02:29 +0200

I am currently trying to find my way in BioPerl an playing around a little.
I struck into the following 'problem' (at least for me): you can easily
convert a sequence from, let's say  raw to fasta using SeqIO via a file
handle but I did not find how to get the output into a string variable
directly without using a file handle. On the other hand I could find this
line in Blast.pm: $hsp->seq('query')->layout('fasta'). The seq method should
return a Bio::Seq object but this object does not 'can' this method.
Can somebody please help me out ?
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work