[Bioperl-l] XML Blast parsing?
Hilmar Lapp
Sat, 26 May 2001 14:25:17 -0700
Todd Richmond wrote:
> my @params = ('database' => $database, 'program' => 'blastx',
> 'format' => 'XML', '_READMETHOD' => 'BlastXML');
> my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast->new(@params);
> If I wanted to do this, is it best to try to incorporate it like this? I'm
I don't see a big problem in doing so. Ideally, this would also be
incorporated in the network blast. Do you have CVS access?
Hilmar Lapp email: hilmarl@yahoo.com
GNF, San Diego, Ca. 92122 phone: +1 858 812 1757