[Bioperl-l] Recovering conservation lines from clustalw
Peter Schattner
Thu, 10 May 2001 17:47:52 -0700
Hello Josep
I'm a little puzzled by your query.
Josep Francesc Abril Ferrando wrote:
> At this moment I am parsing a clustalw alignment using Bio::UnivAln, with the variables properly set
> to use clustalw for parsing the input files. I can recover each sequence and its identifiers from a
> single alignment, I can obtain the consensus sequence, and so on. The problem is that I will need
> also the conservation line that appears below each alignment (that one containing only '.', ':' and
> '*'). Is there any method defined to recover such lines ?
UnivAln.pm can directly read only fasta and "raw" data formats. AlignIO.pm does read and write
clustalw format . However it does not read or write a "conservation line" appearing below each
alignment. In fact in the - admittedly not very many - clustal alignment files I've seen, I don't
think I've seen a conservation line. If you send in an example clustal file which includes
conservation lines, we can take a look at them and (assuming they are a standard clustal format)
possibly include parsing them with AlignIO. However, at the moment I'm pretty sure bioperl doesn't
support this capability.
Peter Schattner