[Bioperl-l] CDS is a complement

Malgorzata Kaminska mkaminska@home.com
Wed, 9 May 2001 22:04:36 -0400

Hello everyone!

    This is perhaps a trivial matter, but would anyone know how I can
determine if a CDS of interest is in fact a complement or not.  In other
words, I have no problem in finding the CDS that interests me, or in using
the revcom() method.  However, I am still unable to determine (other than
actually going in and checking visually) if before the start and end of the
nucleotide sequence range there is the word "complement" (i.e., the whole
CDS line would then read "CDS     complement (46833..67464)".   Would anyone
have any ideas/suggestions?
    As a biochemist with little programming experience, and the only one in
my lab that insists on using BioPerl, there isn't a whole lot of help
available to me outside of this group.
    Thanks in advance for any and all hints!

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