[Bioperl-l] obtaining parent of hsp?

Jonathan Epstein Jonathan_Epstein@nih.gov
Fri, 24 Nov 2000 12:31:28 -0500

Here's a simple question: how do I get the parent of an hsp (i.e., the hit)?

The documentation suggests that one can use _parent, but this doesn't seem 
to work, i.e.,
             $name = $hsp->_parent->name;
produces the error:
Can't locate object method "_parent" via package "Bio::Tools::Blast::HSP" 
at postproc.pl line 29.

Thanks in advance,

- Jonathan

Jonathan Epstein                                Jonathan_Epstein@nih.gov
Head, Unit on Biologic Computation               (301)402-4563
Office of the Scientific Director               Bldg 31, Room 2A47
Nat. Inst. of Child Health & Human Development  31 Center Drive
National Institutes of Health                   Bethesda, MD 20892