Bioperl: Creating a SeqIO object
gert thijs
Fri, 26 May 2000 16:12:54 +0200
I hope this is not a stupid question, but I still haven't captured all the
gory details of perl yet.
I am developping a web interface where one can enter some DNA sequences that
will be processed. Those DNA sequences should be in Fasta format. When I read
the inputs of the web interface the sequences are stored as one long string in
a variable $dnaseq. Now I am first writing this string to a file and then I
use the filehandle to read the sequences into a new SeqIO object.
But I was wondering if I can do this without writing $dnaseq to a file.
Gert Thijs
+ Gert Thijs +
+ +
+ Dept. Elektrotechniek ESAT-SISTA +
+ Kardinaal Mercierlaan, 94 +
+ B-3001 HEVERLEE Belgium +
+ Tel : +32-16-32 18 84 ---- Fax : +32-16-32 19 70 +
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