Bioperl: Checking DNA alphabeth

gert thijs
Thu, 18 May 2000 18:19:08 +0200

I am writing a script to process some DNA sequences which are in fasta format. 
Now I would like to check if these sequences contain other symbols then ACGT,
like N or degenerate symbols. 
Is there a function in bioperl that does this or has someone any idea which
regular expression to use?

Gert Thijs

+ Gert Thijs     +
+                                                        +
+ Dept. Elektrotechniek ESAT-SISTA                       +
+ Kardinaal Mercierlaan, 94                              +
+ B-3001 HEVERLEE  Belgium                               +
+ Tel :  +32-16-32 18 84 ---- Fax : +32-16-32 19 70      +
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