Bioperl: Re: FTHelper._parse_loc() bug (#235)
Hilmar Lapp
Wed, 17 May 2000 03:02:07 +0200
> Subject: Bioperl-guts: Notification: incoming/235 (fwd)
> Hilmar,
> Your bug I believe. What are the literal '?' for
> in the pattern:
I fixed it in the main trunk. There was a bug in another expression, too. I
leave it to you to propagate it to the branch (or let me know if I shall do
it). I've also added some documention about what is parsed and in what it
results, so far right into the code, which is probably not the best place (at
least if it's the only place). Maybe you can decide better where this
could/should go, so that users can get an idea how the properties of features
will be represented in the resulting objects.
One should probably also add tests to t/SeqIO.t, but I haven't had the time
yet, and it's a bit late now (I would only create more bugs :) .
Hilmar Lapp email:
NFI Vienna, IFD/Bioinformatics phone: +43 1 86634 631
A-1235 Vienna fax: +43 1 86634 727
ROI: Bioinformatics (arrays, expression, seqs), Programming, Databases,
Mountain Biking (hard tail, hard fork: feel the trail)
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