Bioperl: Bioperl 0.6.1 release

Keith James
10 May 2000 09:22:59 +0100

>>>>> "hilmar" == hilmar lapp <> writes:

    hilmar>      I have some fixes to waiting to be
    hilmar> committed (main trunk), but Keith's review of the snippet
    hilmar> I've sent him is still pending. If his previous code was
    hilmar> correct, then my fix requires a small change.

Hi all,

Perhaps there was some hold-up with the mail I sent re. the code
Hilmar sent me, so I'm sending this to the list too. Basically - it's
all fine. Hilmar fixed a bug in my code regarding features with 3
and/or 5 prime ends missing and reformatted it in a more flexible way.

I'm working on catching up with & understanding all the new code
during the rest of the week.




Keith James  --  --
The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambs CB10 1SA

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