Bioperl: Re: Bio::CorbaServer Updated

Brad Chapman Brad Chapman <>
Tue, 9 May 2000 06:53:19 -0400

Hi Jason;
    Sorry to be so slow in getting back with you, I just finished up 
my finals and all that fun stuff...
> Brad, give it a try with some of your python clients when you have a
> chance.  I'll be trying it out on the java clients as well later this
> week.

I fixed up the python test client for the perl servers and ran it 
against the four perl servers with the following results:

For the Fnorb python ORB implementation, everything runs smoothly for 
all the servers! Yay :-)

For the omniORB python ORB implementation, everything does not go so 
smoothly :-< I get a perl seg fault and core dump on all the servers 
which return objects. Looking at it in gdb, and checking out the 
differences between the omniORB generated stub code and the Fnorb stub 
code, it looks like the problem is that omniORB calls 
corba_object.is_a() whenever it recieves an object (to verify it) and 
apparently CORBA::ORBit doesn't like this since it is segfaulting 
somewhere during this call. I can also get a seg-fault if I call 
._is_a() explictly from Fnorb, so it doesn't appear to be a omniORB 
specific problem, but rather an is_a() calling problem. I'm not 
positive if this is a known problem or not so I sent a quick e-mail to 
the author to see about this...

One other minor point--could we modify so it spits out an 
ior file with a unique name (like seqdbsrv.ior or something). I just 
wrote one client which distinguishes between the servers based on the 
ior file names (I could distinguish based on calling is_a(), if that 
worked...) so it would be helpful if and 
generated ior files with different names.

If you want to play with the python clients I'll be updating cvs later 
today. I'm going to be rearranging the directory structure and giving 
it a nice install and other jazz like that.

    Thanks again for working on this Jason and Ewan.


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