Bioperl: bioperl swissprot (fwd)

Elia Stupka
Wed, 3 May 2000 16:45:13 +0100 (BST)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 17:40:28 +0200 (MEST)
From: Michael Wildpaner <>
To: Elia Stupka <>
Subject: bioperl swissprot

Dear Elia,

I'm currently trying to read swissprot rel38 with bioperl. many FT lines
contain uncertain or missing information and are not recognized by the


FT   SIGNAL        1      ?       POTENTIAL.
FT   CHAIN         ?     75       10 KD PROTEIN.
FT   CHAIN        20   >154       17 KD SURFACE ANTIGEN.
FT   SIGNAL        1    ?24       POTENTIAL.

Currently I am implementing patches to and to convert
these values to '?' and subsequently to undef.

Are there any "official" plans how to treat unknown values?

many thanks, Michael Wildpaner

Don't feed.                                               DI Michael Wildpaner
Don't provoke.                                                Ph.D. Student at
Don't enter the cage.                          Vienna University of Technology

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