Bioperl: Bio::CorbaServer Updated
Jason Stajich
Tue, 2 May 2000 12:32:53 -0400 (EDT)
I have added Bio::CorbaServer::PrimarySeqDB, Bio::CorbaServer::SeqDB
modules to allow creation of a Sequence DB in the CORBA server. It is
simple right now - it only allows a Bio::Index::Fasta generated
file as the basis for creating the db. But it is a start. I added some
documentation to some of the existing modules, added the subsequent tests
in testclient and servers directory. There is also a .seq file in the t
directory so the tests can run. The servers/ and
testclients/ demonstrate its abilities right now.
Brad, give it a try with some of your python clients when you have a
chance. I'll be trying it out on the java clients as well later this
This is just an initial submission so I can get this code out the door -
I'd like to improve some more things. I will let you know when I have
gotten the improvements cleaned up. I will start looking over the perl
client code as well - just want to make sure Ewan doesn't have any in
progress versions on his hard drive first...
Jason Stajich
Duke University Medical Center
Center for Human Genetics
(919)684-1806 (office)
(919)684-2275 (fax)
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