Bioperl: codon-pair usage

Manoj Balyan
Tue, 04 May 1999 04:02:12 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Sir,
I am pursuing advanced diploma in bioinformatics at the Bioinformatics
centre,university of pune,India.As a part of my Project work,i am involved 
with codon-pair usage of completely sequenced prokaryotic genomes.
I am planning to use Perl to implement the algorithm decided by me.
Could you please advice me as to how far perl can support this project.
I would be using dna as long as a complete genome of a bacteria.
It would involve file handling and string comparision.
Kindly reply me at the earliest possible.
Thanking you in advance
manoj balyan
| MANOJ BALYAN                   |
| UNIVERSITY OF PUNE,            |
| GANESH KHIND,                  |
| PUNE--411007,                  |
| MAHARASHTRA,INDIA              |
| PHONE-020-5650195,5655039.       |
| FAX- +91-020-5650087            |

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