Bioperl: probe matching

Clark Nelson
Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:23:58 -0500

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I'm not sure if UnivAln is exactly what I'm looking for.  I'm working
with short probes 18 and 20mers.  I'm comparing probes to check to make
sure they are not to similar.  So I will put two probes into UnivAln and
get the consensus.  But how would I get the program to slide the probes
against each other to get the best match?


seems to produce no match

what I want to see is
which would produce 16 matches.

Anyhow if this is confusing I apologize, but would appreciate any help
you might be able to give.

Thank you
Clark Nelson


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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<P>I'm not sure if UnivAln is exactly what I'm looking for.&nbsp; I'm working
with short probes 18 and 20mers.&nbsp; I'm comparing probes to check to
make sure they are not to similar.&nbsp; So I will put two probes into
UnivAln and get the consensus.&nbsp; But how would I get the program to
slide the probes against each other to get the best match?
<BR>seems to produce no match
<P>what I want to see is
<BR>which would produce 16 matches.
<P>Anyhow if this is confusing I apologize, but would appreciate any help
you might be able to give.
<P>Thank you
<BR>Clark Nelson


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