[Bioperl-announce-l] XML support in WU BLAST 2.0

Warren Gish gish at watson.wustl.edu
Tue Mar 22 15:12:33 EST 2005

Beginning with the [22-Mar-2005] release of WU BLAST 2.0
(http://blast.wustl.edu), XML output conforming to the NCBI_BlastOutput.dtd
can be obtained with the mformat=7 option.  The bundled wu-blastall script
also supports -m7 (xml).

I would be interested to hear from anyone who uses this facility, as to how
they use it and what changes they would like to see.


 Warren R. Gish, Ph.D.                    | Voice:  314-286-1826
 Department of Genetics                   | FAX:  314-286-1810
 Washington University School of Medicine |
 4444 Forest Park Avenue, Campus Box 8501 | mailto:gish at watson.wustl.edu
 Saint Louis MO 63108                     | http://blast.wustl.edu

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