[Bioperl-announce-l] Hackathon 2005

Suzanna Lewis suzi at fruitfly.org
Wed Apr 20 18:42:29 EDT 2005

(sorry for multiple postings, but please do forward to
anyone else who you think might be interested)


Dear everyone,

It has been a long time and we Bioinformatics devotees are overdue for
another total-immersion coding-fest (the last hackathon was held in
Singapore February 2003, more than two years ago).  Apple has offered
to host us this year, and as an added bonus include free admission to
the World-Wide Developers Conference in San Francisco the prior week.
They are also looking for some people to present interesting new
developments at the WWDC, so if you have something noteworthy please
let us know. Apple is not attaching any strings, so our work need not
address Apple-specific software or hardware areas. Apple will provide
space and hardware (and access to their engineers if we'd like).

Week 1 (June 6-10) would be spent at the WWDC. Week 2 (June 12-16)
would be in Cupertino, at Apple's headquarters.  We're free to focus
on what interests us, our tentative plans include:

   1. Bio-ontologies software
   2. High-performance computing (e.g. large scale computations,  
   3. Image analysis
   4. Documentation
   5. Anything else that may interest you

Our plan is to organize this much as the Aspen Center for Physics
computational biology workshops were organized (for those old enough to
remember): A couple of presentations to start the day; collaboration
and coding afterwards; time for a bit of fun (does anyone else
cycle?), and discussions in the late afternoons and evenings.

Would everyone who is interested in attending please send us a short
description of what you would like to do, and perhaps other people who
you would like to work with. There is somewhat limited space, so we
will try to prioritize groups that have a clear focus and a need to
interact. We now this is very short notice, but we hope that there
will be enough interest to make it possible.

We are looking into additional funding support, to pay for travel
expenses, but this is still to be decided.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.
George, Cyrus, Steve, and Suzanna (the Bay Area locals)

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