[Bioperl-announce-l] BOSC2002 Schedule
Jason Stajich
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 10:36:38 -0400 (EDT)
BOSC 2002 speakers and talks have been chosen and the talk times have been
set. Please see http://www.open-bio.org/bosc2002/program.html for the
complete list.
The Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) 2002 will be held in
Edmonton, Canada on August 1 & 2 prior to ISMB02 (http://www.ismb02.org).
The conference will bring together many of the major contributors to open
source bioinformatics to discuss current and future directions in software
development for life sciences research. Keynote speakers will include
Drs. Ewan Birney, Michael Eisen, and Winston Hide. Please see the
conference website at http://www.open-bio.org/bosc2002/ for more
information and the complete list of speakers. Questions should be
adressed to BOSC organizing committee bosc@open-bio.org.
There is still space available for poster submissions and lightning talks.
Please send a brief abstract outlining your poster or lightning talk to
the committee at bosc@open-bio.org by June 28.
Lightning talks
If you have a topic you would like to introduce you can present a 5 minute
topic at BOSC simply by sending an abstract to the BOSC committee. There
is only space for a few more talks so please submit your proposal soon.
Birds of a Feather (BoFs)
Anyone with a topic of discussion can organize a BoF at BOSC. Simply send
in a proposed topic to the committee bosc@open-bio.org and we will have a
room with a whiteboard where a discussion can be held. We will help
announce the BoFs during the conference proceedings. There will also be
opportunities to organize a BoF when you arrive in Edmonton.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Registration fees are
listed on the BOSC website and through the ISMB registration pages (you
must register through the ISMB site, but are not required to register for
ISMB in order to attend BOSC).
Jason Stajich on behalf of the BOSC organizing committee.
Jason Stajich
Duke University
jason at cgt.mc.duke.edu