[Bioperl-announce-l] Bioperl 0.6.2 Released

Ewan Birney birney@ebi.ac.uk
Thu, 5 Oct 2000 19:57:30 +0100 (GMT)

I am pleased to announce the release of bioperl version 0.6.2


(http: locations will occur soon. The release has also been uploaded to
CPAN and should reach your local CPAN mirror within a couple of days)

This is a bug fix release on the 0.6 series, but represents the first
fully stable 0.6 release. Many bugs and problems have been solved;
documentation has been synchronised and, where functionality was not
working and could not be easily fixed, this functionality was removed.

I have appended the relevant section of the Changes file.

Ewan Birney, on behalf of the Bioperl developers.


   There are very few functionality changes but a large
   number of software improvements/bug fixes across the package.

   o The EMBL/GenBank parsing are improved.

   o The Swissprot reading is improved. Swissprot writing
     is disabled as it doesn't work at all. This needs to
     wait for 0.7 release

   o BLAST reports with no hits are correctly parsed.

   o Several other bugs of the BLAST parser (regular expressions, ...)

   o Old syntax calls have been replaced with more modern syntax

   o Modules that did not work at all, in particular the Sim4
     set have been removed

   o Bio::SeqFeature::Generic and Bio::SeqFeature::FeaturePair
     have improved compliance with interface specs and documentation

   o Mailing list documentation updated throughout the distribution

   o Most minor bug fixes have happened.

   o The scripts in /examples now work and have the modern syntax
     rather than the deprecated syntax

Ewan Birney. Mobile: +44 (0)7970 151230, Work: +44 1223 494420