Bioperl-ANNOUNCE Re: Bioperl: bioperl-corba 0.1 release

Ewan Birney
Wed, 24 May 2000 08:05:03 +0100 (GMT)

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On Tue, 23 May 2000, Jason Stajich wrote:

> Bioperl Corba server and client code release 0.1 is available at 

Great stuff Jason. I think this is a good starting point for us to look at
true cross-project interoperability. 

We have, I think designed this quite well. People who are interested in
providing large datasets to bioperl and don't want either go through pain
for bioperl/biopython/biojava three times should really look at this.
People who are interested in using CORBA with Perl should also take a look
- CORBA ORBit is very easy to use once you grok it.

> This requires Corba::ORBit, Exception, and Bioperl >= 0.06.
> If you wish to contribute or improve this code, the CVS repositories are
> as always:
> bioperl-corba-client
> bioperl-corba-server
> Interoperability has been tested with both biopython and biojava and
> it meets all specifications.  Please see the Changes files for any known
> bugs or unsupported features.
> Thanks to major contributors to this project:
> Ewan Birney and Brad Chapman.
> Issues like performance and memory management for very large
> sequences/data sets were not thoroughly tested for this release.  Please
> hammer on this code and feel free to report problems or provide fixes
> yourself.

I'd like to emphaise this point that we need to stress test it (anyone
fancy taking this for a serious spin somewhere?) Memory management is the
bug-bear of distributed computing.

> Jason Stajich
> Center for Human Genetics
> Duke University Medical Center
> (919)684-1806 (office)
> (919)684-2275 (fax)
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