Bioperl/ANNOUNCE "Perl, CGI & Imagemaps" / Bioinformatics Events
Dr J.C. Ison, by way of Georg Fuellen
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:03:15 +0000
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1. Bioinformatics Events (Jon Ison)
2. "Perl, CGI & Imagemaps" (Jon Ison)
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:03:15 +0000
From: "Dr J.C. Ison" <>
Subject: Bioinformatics Events
Dear Sir or Madam
CCP11 is an academic project hosted by the Human Genome Mapping Project
Resource Centre, an institute of the Medical Research Council. Our
is to foster the bioinformatics community through our website (URL
, newsletter, and regular conferences and training courses.
I am enclosing details for two CCP11 conferences which I hope will be of
interest to you and your colleagues.
Jon Ison
1. Bioinformatics Open Software Development
Hinxton Hall Conference Centre, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
17 December 1999
A CCP11 International Meeting On
Developing Software Tools for Bioinformatics
This meeting will bring the state of art in bioinformatics software
development to the broad community of software developers. The meeting
consists of two sessions. The day session is a lecture series given by
leaders in the field of "source code available" programming libraries.
This is followed by a discussion session for researchers actively
involved in development of bioinformatics programming libraries. The
meeting will provide valuable information for researchers of all levels
of experience.
Early registration is advisable!
2. The Sixth Genes, Proteins and Computers Conference (GPCVI)
Chester College, Chester, UK.
26 - 28 April 2000
An International Conference for Bioinformatics
and the Molecular Biologist
Bringing bioinformatics to the molecular biology community, this
established international conference will bring together leading
experts in the fields of functional genomics and proteomics,
structural genomics, biosequence analysis and phylogeny. The
emphasis is the solving of molecular biological problems by using
computational approaches, and the relevance of this to the molecular
biology community.
Early registration is advisable!
** **
** Dr J.C. Ison **
** Bioinformatics Applications Group **
** UK MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre **
** Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SB, UK **
** E-mail : **
** Tel : 01223 49-4548 **
** **
** The CCP11 Project : **
** **
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 13:34:15 +0000
From: "Dr J.C. Ison" <>
Subject: Re: "Perl, CGI & Imagemaps"
"Perl, CGI & Imagemaps"
A CCP11 Workshop On Perl Programming, CGI script writing & Imagemaps
Hinxton Hall Conference Centre, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
Date to be announced
Organised by the CCP11 project
The first in a new series of workshops
The CCP11 project is considering organising a five-day training course
on programming in the Perl language, use of the BioPerl library, CGI
script writing and the use of imagemaps. The course will also cover
relevant aspects of the HTML programming language. This would be an
introductory course, but pitched at people with some programming /
computing experience.
If you are interested in attending such a meeting, please register
your interest using the on-line form:
Jon Ison
CCP11 project:
Enquiries to: Jon Ison (
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