Bioperl/ANNOUNCE has a new home & new hardware

Chris Dagdigian
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 17:56:43 -0400

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Bioperl Project Announcement

Thanks to recent donations from Compaq Computer Corporation
and Genetics Institute Inc. the Bioperl Project is pleased to
announce that recent server and bandwith upgrades have
been completed.

The core project server, is now running on a 
600mhz Alpha workstation donated by Compaq. The new
server replaces the heroic 50mhz i486 linux system that had been
built from parts destined for the trash heap. The i486 system will
be retired to the Bioperl Hall of Fame :)

The new server has a new home and a faster internet connection
as well. Genetics Institute Inc. has agreed to physically host the
server at one of their research facilities in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

We would like to thank Nat Goodman, the Compaq Bioinformatics 
Solutions Center and members of the Compaq High Performance
Technical Computing Group for facilitating the donation of server hardware. 

More details and pictures of the old and new servers can be
seen on the web at:


Chris Dagdigian, on behalf of the bioperl developers and volunteers

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