Bioperl/ANNOUNCE Computational Biology Positions at Berkeley

Steven E. Brenner
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 12:28:09 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

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Sorry to interrupt with this somewhat off-topic posting, but I hope it
will prove to be of interest to some of you.

I am starting a computational molecular biology research group at UC
Berkeley in January.  We will be focusing on computational approaches to
structural and functional genomics.  Scientific programmer, sysadmin, and
postdoctoral positions are available at all levels.  Perl experience is
highly desirable, and group members will be encouraged to contribute to

For more information about jobs available and about our research
interests, please see

Steven E. Brenner

Steven E. Brenner
  ...from 1 Jan 2000
461A Koshland Hall                   tel: +1 510 643-9131
University of California             fax: +1 208 279-8978
Berkeley, CA 94720-3102, USA

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