[BioLib-dev] OBF GSoC students weekly progress reports

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 24 11:24:20 UTC 2012

Hello all,

First, to echo Rob, congratulations to our selected students:

Weekly Progress Reports:

To encourage community bonding and awareness of what the
GSoC 2012 students are doing, this year the OBF is being much
clearer about our progress report expectations.

We would like every student to setup a blog for the GSoC project
(or a category/tag on your existing blog) which you will use to
summarize your progress every week, as well as longer posts
at the half way evaluation, and at the end of the summer.

In addition, after publishing each blog post, we expect you to
email the URL and the text of the blog (or if important images
or formatting would be lost, at least a short summary) to the
host project's mailing list(s) (check with your mentors if the
project has more than one) AND the gsoc at open-bio.org
mailing list.

You will be writing under your own name, but with a clear
association with your mentors, the OBF and its projects, so
please take this seriously and be professional. Remember
this will become part of your online presence, and potentially
looked at by future employers and colleagues.

Please talk to your mentors about this during the "community
bonding" stage of the GSoC code (i.e. the next few weeks
before you actually start).

Thank you,


(On behalf of the OBF GSoC mentors and projects)

Note: As per Rob's earlier email, could both students and mentors
please ensure you have subscribed to the public OBF GSoC email
list at http://lists.open-bio.org/mailman/listinfo/gsoc (I have BCC'd
you on this email just in case you haven't done this yet). Thanks!

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