[BioLib-dev] First test release of BioLib (0.0.1)

Pjotr Prins pjotr2008 at thebird.nl
Sun Sep 21 12:56:32 UTC 2008

It took some time, but here we have the first test release of BioLib.

It is still lacking in functionality (RMA normalization is not
complete and only Ruby is supported), but it is a major step and
required for BioRuby inclusion. I hope we get more interest from the
other Bio* initiatives over the winter.

I have put up the first trial release of BioLib - shared libraries for
the different languages like Perl, Python and Ruby. 0.0.1 only has
Ruby mappings for reading and accessing Affymetrix files using the
Affyio library and RMA normalization (under development) - the other
two languages will be supported in the next version. See
./doc/DEPENDENCIES.txt for current dependencies.

This release can be downloaded, built and tested for Ruby. Affymetrix
CEL and CDF can be read for probes and probesets.

See http://biolib.open-bio.org/ for more.

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