[Biojava-l] Parse XML BLAST

Christian Köberle koeberle at mpiib-berlin.mpg.de
Thu Jan 19 12:16:46 EST 2006


is it possible to get the information form BLAST-XML Tag  <Hit_def>  
with bioJAVA?

I use the example from  BioJava In Anger for parse a BLAST.
I use BlastXMLParserFacade as a parser.
To get the definition of the target gen I use 
SeqSimilaritySearchHit-Object parse the result from getSubjectID() and 
download the Sequence from NCBI. But this is very slow.

for (Iterator k = result.getHits().iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
          SeqSimilaritySearchHit hit = (SeqSimilaritySearchHit)k.next();
          String name = hit.getSubjectID().split("\\|")[3];
          Sequence seq = db.getSequence(name);
          System.out.print("\t" + 

Is there are a better way to get the Information?


Christian Köberle

Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
Department: Immunology
Schumannstr. 21/22
10117 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 28 460 562
e-mail: koeberle at mpiib-berlin.mpg.de

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