[Biojava-l] Highlight Features when clicked? newbie

Maximilian Haeussler max_dipl at web.de
Tue May 11 09:38:20 EDT 2004

Hi everyone,

is there a simple way to highlight a feature when it is clicked? Just 
like in most programs with a gui, word or whatever, I want to draw 
something a around a selected feature, a black rectangle for instance 
when the user clicks on it. I suppose this is a pretty common problem 
for everyone using the gui-classes.
I'm playing around with a FeatureFilter.ByFeature in conjunction with a 
RectangularBeadRenderer but this can't be way that the authors of the 
gui classes had imagined when they wrote them. (As features are not 
graphical objects in Biojava, I can't send them messages directly.)

So I have to draw the rectangle directly onto the graphics, right? But 
how could I find out the coordinates of the feature's edges?? Is there 
some mechanism in those javadocs ( I've come to hate them pretty much 
:-) that I've overlooked?


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